Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 8- A Moment

I had a wonderful moment today,
Even through all my hectic scheduling,
And stressful work and practicing.

This moment was during rehearsal.
I was down in the house (techie talk for auditorium seats),
And I was watching Andrew and Emilee rehearse their scene "Yesterday I Loved You"
It's a very romantic scene.

I hadn't noticed it until after rehearsal,
But I felt something then.

It wasn't even on the borders of romantic.
I had just sunken into my own little world.

I liked it.
It was like when I'm writing,
And I can write for hours on end,
Because I'm there
And I can see what's happening!

It's amazing, what my brain thinks up...

Your thoughts?

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hi there.
i like words.
i like you.
i like your words.
go on, comment.