Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 11- Your Siblings

As many of you know,
I am the oldest of 6 kids.
My brothers and sisters are very high-strung.

Price and Josh are the twins. They are 12 years old. Price takes percussion, Josh take trombone. They enjoy pretty much anything that has to do with food.

Ethan, 9, is the next one down. He enjoys anything that has to do with birds of prey, particularly owls. He loves playing with his younger sisters.

Emma is 7 years old. She is very excited to get baptized, and loves anything to do with puppies, horses, or Barbie.

Annie, 6, is the baby of the family. She has pretty much the same interests as Emma, but also loves anything to do with Disney Princesses.

Our Common Interests:
Phineas and Ferb
Poptropica/Any Computer Game
Spending time with family!

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