Monday, January 2, 2012


School's coming back.

Tomorrow morning:
I will wake up at 5 am, read my scriptures, doze off for half an hour, drag my slowly atrophying body into the shower, get out, dry my hair, try to warm myself under my ceiling vent (I live in the basement), get dressed, do hair and make-up, go upstairs, eat, read more scriptures, pick up my carpool buddy, and go to school.
I will then participate in Band (Yay!), French 2 (Yay!), Algebra 2 (Bleh.), and Honors English (Yay!)
I will then go to Pit Orchestra (Yay!). After that, my mother will pick me up. After that, I will arrive at my house approximately 15 minutes after rehearsal has ended. I will proceed to finish my homework for Wednesday, and after that I will watch Perry, Merlin, and Shawn Spencer on Netflix.

Even though school is back in session....
Life is good.

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