Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Demon King/The Bad Queen Book Reviews

I'm reading several different books at a time, because the complications of due dates and such. So, here's 2 books I've recently finished.
The Demon King by Cinda Williams Chima. Chima is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. She has great description and prose, and she great ideas. Her stories come to life with action and adventure, but they have added depth with descriptions and relationships. Anyways, The Demon King is about 2 key characters, Hans Alister, a reformed thief, and Princess Raisa ana’Marianna, a princess who is locked up like a bird in a cage, but yearns to be free, like the legendary Hanalea, a fierce warrior queen, who defeated the Demon King hundreds of years before. These 2 characters meet only briefly, but the effect is instantaneous- and dangerous. It sets in motion a war that the two will only barely be able to comprehend.

Rated PG, for action, violence, and graphic detailsThe Bad Queen by Carolyn Meyer was an okay book. It's about Marie-Antoinette and her life in the palace at Versailles in France. There are definitely some bad and un-virtuous themes in here. It goes into somewhat-great detail of her "relationship" with her husband, and much talk of harlots, mistresses, etc. I would not recommend this book. The story is wonderful, and historically accurate, but that doesn't make any excuse for the themes and the way in which this book portrays them.
Rated: PG-13 for inappropriate themes, etc.


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