Thursday, July 21, 2011


There's a special place in the back of my mind.

Whenever I feel:
....or anything similar,
I go there.

I remember what my life was like.
I think of my life now.
I dream of how my life will be.
I ponder what my life would have been.

Why can't life be as simple as when we were children?
Almost everything has changed.
Sometimes I feel that if I could just go back, for one moment,
My life would be better.

I thought I was the only person that was like this,
(Reminiscent and stuck in the past),
until May of 2011.
Then everything changed.

I was hanging out with a friend,
after spending some "quality" (aka project time) together.
This friend spotted something that they remembered from their childhood,
and their joy was overwhelming.

It was a revelation for me.
I had found someone else who took joy in remembering.
Its funny when a person shares some of their deepest secrets with you,
You feel a special connection with them.

So, that's my sappy post.
Am I the only one?

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hi there.
i like words.
i like you.
i like your words.
go on, comment.