Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Lagoon was AWESOME!
Can we go again next year? Pleeeease?
The problems with signing yearbooks are as followed:

1) You can't remember the poor sap's name
2) All anybody writes in your yearbook is H.A.G.S., making you feel worthless
3) You do the same as above because you're feeling sour and rushed on time
4) Everybody's in a hurry because they're afraid there's not enough time, making the message very hard to read
5) People want to counteract numbers 2 and 3, and so they take up an entire page writing random junk about the school year
6) See number 5, vice versa

Good luck.
You'll need it.

1 comment:

  1. No kidding! I have to go to my sister's Graduation tomorrow at 11, so I have to rush through yearbooks, but I have to make it thoughtful and wonderful! GAH! If anyone writes anything even closely related to HAGS I will go over it in whiteout so I will have great space for people to write in. People had better not take up a whole page!


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