Monday, May 10, 2010

Might as well get it over with..../Book Review

Sigh... well, I might as well get it over with: it's my birthday. there. happy? Well, I figured I might as well do a book review while I'm on... here goes.

The Heir Trilogy by Cinda Williams Chima
These books are very interesting. They are based off the English Civil War, the War of the Roses (White Rose vs. Red Rose. Yeah). If you read these books you'll want to look into it. It's cool. Well, except for the whole brothers-killing-brothers part. Yeah..... In the book, the Weir, gifted people, have a special stone that they are born with. This determines what "magical person" you are: warrior, wizard, sorcerer, enchanter, or seer. The legend is that the Weir first obtained their stones when 5 brothers/sisters stole the stones from the dragon. Naturally, the dragon wanted the stones back. To protect the stones and themselves, the brothers/sisters swallowed them. Thus, each Weir member is born with a stone. Non-magical people are called Anaweir.
The first book, The Warrior Heir, centers around Jack, who finds out that he is Weir. His mother, Becca, is Anaweir, but his aunt, Linda, is an enchanter. Jack was supposed to be born a wizard, but he was born without a stone. Without one, he would die Jessamine Longbranch, a wizard working for the White Rose, travels from England to implant a stone. But, instead of implanting a wizard stone, she implants a warrior stone, intending to use him as a warrior for the White Roses. So, things spiral out of control, and... yeah. Read to find out what happens.
The second book, The Wizard Heir, centers around Seph (Joseph) McCauley. Seph is an orphan, but his foster mother was a sorcerer. He is an untrained wizard, and sets off rogue magic wherever he goes. He goes to a private school, the Havens, where he meets Leicester, an evil wizard working for the White Rose, who tries to get him to join the White Rose. Seph refuses, and his classmates suffer. He also meets Jason Haley, who is also a wizard and becomes his first trainer. You see some characters from the first book, and you find out who Seph's REAL parents are.
The last book, The Dragon Heir, revolves around Jason Haley, who Seph met @ school, and Madison Moss, Seph's girlfriend. Jason travels to England to spy on the Roses, and finds the mysterious Dragonheart. He brings it back, and Madison feels it's call to her. Madison is an Elicitor. Elicitors are Anaweir, but they can absorb magic used against them and store it. Madison absorbed an enormous amount of dark magic from Leicester, who was trying to kill Seph. She is constantly leaking dark magic, and she believes that the Dragonheart can get rid of it. She is, however, afraid that it's enormous power will destroy her completely. As she struggles with this, she is also struggling to make a HUGE decision whether or not to sell her grandmother's house. The Roses know that Madison can get the Dragonheart for them, so they kidnap her younger brother and sister, promising to give them back in exchange for the Dragonheart. In this last book, it's an epic battle between life and death, good and bad, and right and wrong. And, at the end, there's a FREAKING AMAZING dragon. It's cool.

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed these books, and I would recommend them to you. Seriously. Go. Read them. If you have, well then, read them over. Seriously. Go. Now.

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