Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 15- Your Dreams

My dreams?
Even if I could remember half of my dreams, which I can't,
You would think I'm bizarre.

It's just been pointed out to me by my mother that my dreams could mean something other than my nighttime apparitions.

So, now I'm split.
Should I choose my dreams as in my sleeping dreams,
Or my dreams as in my aspirations?
I tell myself
"Choose number 2. You can't remember half of your night dreams."
But then I argue back
"No, number 1. Your aspirations are boring."

Well, I'm going to go with my first one,
Because, like I said before, I can't remember any of my nighttime dreams.

#1: I want to be married in the temple. This has always been a given for me, and I want my husband to be a returned missionary.

#2: I want to teach private lessons from my home. I will do piano and flute, and possibly voice lessons. It will be amazing.

#3: When I have kids, I want to name my first girl Cosette Ophelia. Cosette after Cosette in Les Miserables, Ophelia after Ophelia in Hamlet. My first boy will be Douglass Gerald- Douglass just cuz' I like the name, Gerald after my Great-Grandpa Shipley

#4 (Don't worry, this is the last one): For some weird, unexplainable reason, I've dreamed about meeting a really, REALLY cute guy during the summer.

Why summer? I don't know.

My various daydreams about this go as follows:
I'll be hiking and I'll twist my ankle, and he'll find me and help me wrap my foot.
I'll be lying on the beach, and he'll throw a beach ball at me just so that he has an excuse to talk to me.
I'll.... well, you get the idea.

Of course, I know it will never happen to me. :)

I'll probably meet the love of my life at college.
In a totally unromantic setting.



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